Area: Cardiology
Location: London, United Kingdom
Date: August 29 to September 2
European Society of Cardiology Congress
Leadless pacemaker study assesses safety and efficacy (LEADLESS II trial)
Antiarrythmia drugs no impact on late AF recurrence (EAST-AF trial)
Determining Optimal noninvasive Parameters for the Prediction of Left vEntricular morphologic and functional Remodeling in Chronic Ischemic Patients: the emerging role of left ventricular end diastolic volume (LVEDV)
ELIXA trial shows CV safety of lixisenatide
SCOT study quells concern about NSAID safety
OPTIDUAL trial results suggest extending poststenting DAPT beyond one year
Trial Evaluating Cardiovascular Outcomes with Sitagliptin in patients with type-2 Diabetes: TECOS
New mineralocorticoid receptor agonist for heart failure
Spironolactone “A Clear Winner” for Resistant Hypertension
HalfDose Combo of Common Diuretics a “WinWin” for Hypertension: PATHWAY3
CVD biomarkers respond better to telmisartan than nonARB blood pressure medications
New combination LCZ696 provides significant improvement in arterial stiffness
Automated pulmonary congestion alert no benefit in heart failure trial
BENEFIT study: antiparasitics for Chagas cardiomiopathy
Largest study to date shows no benefit to gene transfer therapy in heart failure
Noninvasive blood flow measurements reduce invasive tests in chest pain patients (PLATFORM trial)
High sensitivity troponin trial
Fix dose combination in hypertensive patients
Management of bleeding and emergency procedures in anticoagulated patients
Highlights in sports cardiology
Benefits of fixed dose combinations in hypertension
A major clinical issue Correcting iron deficiency in heart failure patients
New data of TECOS trial regarding heart failre patient population
Very exciting results of the PATHWAY 2 trial on resistant hypertension and the PARAMETER trial on new combination improving arterial stiffness
Reception of ELIXA trials results in scientific community
The ATTEMPTCVD trial of telmisartan prevention of cardiovascular disease
On the congress
Energizing the Heart - Trimetadizin
Patient centered approach - multiple risk factors
Targeting plasma PCSK9 as a promising approach to improve outcomes
PCSK9 inhibitors