3-year Clinical Outcomes in a Nationwide, Randomized, Pragmatic Clinical Trial of Atrial Fibrillation Screening - Mhealth Screening to Prevent Strokes (mstops)
Prof. Steven Steinhubl (Scripps Research Translational Institute, USA) presented the awaited 3-year results of the mSTOPS study of prospective screening for AF [1]. The study involved 5,214 eligible individuals identified through claims data to have risk factors for AF but who had not been previously diagnosed. Via a web-based platform, 1,738 individuals were enrolled to undergo either immediate or delayed active ECG monitoring at home for up to 4 weeks with a Zio XT patch monitor (2-week monitoring periods spaced 4 months apart). Each monitored participant was matched with 2 non-monitored participants with similar stroke-risk CHA2DS2-VASc scores as controls. The study looked at the time to first diagnosis of AF and its clinical consequences, especially with regard to stroke, for the active monitoring cohort as well as the cohort undergoing usual care. Participants have been followed for 3 years at the time of this presentation.
Steven Steinhubl